Monday, March 30, 2015

How to Make Your Own Mini Desktop Terrarium Gift

Looking for some new and Eco friendly gift to give your friends on their birthday, or something to give away as a souvenir for a very special occasion?  Why not try to make your own Mini Desktop Terrarium? It's low cost, Eco friendly and ideally suitable for people who are  not good at taking care of plants. Who knows, It may even peak their interest and eventually lead them to starting their own home garden.

Here are some simple steps I did to make make my own Mini Desktop Terrarium...


A Cactus or any small plant that is small, requires little water and can grow indoors and low lighting conditions though it would be nice to take it outdoors every once in a while.
A Glass Container
Marble Chippings, Small Rocks, Sand, Shells, marbles, etc.
A Glass container
Potting soil
Eco bag
Colored paper
Wooden Skewers


1. Choose which plant to use.  For this Terrarium I chose a  Golden Barrel Cactus, it can survive indoors, requires less water and grows slow.

2.  Choose your glass container.  Your can either use a drinking or wine glass, a fish bowl or any glass bottle you have at home. Be sure to clean it with soap and water.  Towel dry to make sure that there is no soapy reside left on your container.

3.  Add the marble chippings, small  colored rock, shells or small marbles to your glass container.  It's up to you whatever combination works for you.  This will also help drain the excess water from the soil.

4.  Add about 2 to 3 inches of potting soil to your mixture, or just about enough for your plant to take root.

5.  Add your plant to the soil and cover the roots with more potting soil.

6. Decorate around your plant by adding more marble chippings, small colored rocks, shells, or marbles. the combination is up to you.  I make about 20 of these, so i ran out of marble chippings during the process.

7.  To make your gift extra special, print-out a little to attach to your terrarium.  Give it a name, tell something about the plant, how to take care of it and the benefits of taking care of the plant.

8.  Place it inside an Eco bag and your ready to give away to your friends.

9. Congratulations your done...

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