Saturday, November 9, 2013

Create Your Own Santa Minion from Plastic Cups

Wondering what to do with all those disposable plastics or paper cups used to hold your drinks? Here's a colorful and fun way you could try doing.  Why not turn those plastic & paper cups into Santa Minions for your Christmas decorations.


Plastic/Paper Cups
Platics Container for Jelly Candies
Old News Papers
Poster or Acrylic Paint
Red Colored Paper
Old/Scratched CD
Glue Gun
Glue Stick


1. Before starting, make sure that you clean your plastic/paper cups with soap and water. Towel dry to make sure that there are no water droplets left on your plastic/paper cups.

2. Crumple a piece of news paper into a small ball and attach it to the top of your plastic/paper cup with glue.  This will make the top of the head of your Santa Minion rounder.

3.  Start covering the entire plastic/paper cup with news paper until you've entirely cover it and achieved your desired shape.

Tip: Use a mixture of 1 part glue & 1 part water to attached the news paper unto your plastic/paper cup. Use a brush to help you spread the mixture.

4.  Attach your plastic/paper cup to the shinny side of your CD using your glue gun and glue stick.  This will make your Santa Minion stand up better and reduce the chances of being knocked over

5.  To make the eyes of your Minion take a pair of used Jelly Candy containers.  Make sure to clean it with soap and water.  Towel dry to make sure that there are no water droplets left on your Jelly Candy Container.

6.  To make the Goggles, roll a piece of news paper and cover the sides of your Jelly Candy Containers
using glue.  Make an extra roll of news paper to be used as the strap for the goggles. Color the goggles with gray poster color or acrylic paint.

7.   To make the hat, take a piece of red colored paper and roll it into a cone.  Tape the ends with tape.  Take strips of cotton and glue it at the ends & tip of the hat to give it some fluff.

8.  Now that We have the pieces set, We can now start to form our Santa Minion.  Glue the eyes of your minion in place using your glue gun and glue stick & Add the strip of paper to form the strap.

9.  We can now start to add color to our Santa Minion using your poster color or Acrylic paint.  In classic Minion fashion, color the body yellow.  In the spirit of Christmas We'll color the jumper red.  Color the eye balls white & the goggle strap black. Let it dry for a few minutes before adding the details.

10.  Add details using black poster color or acrylic paint.  Trace the outline of the colors, draw the mouth and eyes.

11.  Attach the hat using glue. You can also add arms & hands using sipping straws for arms & news paper for hands.

12. Congratulations your done...

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