Friday, October 26, 2012

Make Your Own Family Tree Collage

Make a Collage to show your family tree...


1/4 Illustration Board
Crafts Glue
Colored Yarn/String
Colored Sand
Colored Pebbles
Poster Paint
Googly Eyes
Medicine dropper/Spray bottle


1.  Using a pencil sketch the design you want to make on a piece of Illustration Board.
2.  Apply an even amount of glue to the trunk of your Family Tree and gently place the colored pebbles in place (You can find them in bookstores and craft shops).  Maneuver them in place using a piece of stick.

3.  Apply an even amount of glue on the outline of the sun and trace it using your colored yarn/string.  Cut off the excess string using a pair of scissors. Place a pair of googly eyes for effect.

4.  To make the ground, apply an even amount of glue to the outline and gently sprinkle some green colored sand.  Spread it out evenly using a piece of stick and set to dry.

5.  To make the leave of the tree, apply an even amount of glue to the outline and gently layout pieces of cotton on top and allow to dry.

6.  To color the leaves, in a container mix 1 part of water w/ 1 part green poster color and mix thoroughly.  You have 3 options to color the leaves of tree:

     a. Put the mixture in a spray bottle and spray it on the cotton.
     b. Use a Medicine dropper to color the cotton.
     c. Or use cotton to absorb the mixture and drop it on the leaves.

Note: Cotton takes a longer time to dry than usual, you can spread it up by using a hand dryer but too much application will burn the cotton.

7. One your collage is dry, you can now label it, put your family pictures, or make the finishing touches. Congratulations your done...

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