Saturday, October 8, 2011

Name Plate popsicle sticks

Immortalize your name in Popsicle sticks. Popsicle stick which comes relatively cheap and practically easy to find and accessible can be used for a variety of applications and uses. For this project we will be using Popsicle sticks to literally spell out your name.

Materials needed

Popsicle sticks
Crafts Glue
Poster paint
Scrap booking materials
Card Board
Double sided tape

1. Spell-out your name using the Popsicle sticks. Just remember to control the size of
   your Popsicle sticks as they tend to become very big.
2. Once you've spelled-out your name. You can now stick them together using your crafts glue.
   Just remember to allow your Popsicle stick enough time to dry properly.
3. Decorate your Popsicle sticks using poster paint, or you can use scrap booking shapes as
   they are a good source of decorative items,or wrap the Popsicle sticks with yarn or ribbons.
4. Attached the decorated Popsicle sticks onto a piece of card board to hold them all together.
   Just remember that the Popsicle sticks become heavier once you add on the decorations.
5. Congratulations your done...

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