Monday, August 9, 2010

Mirror Pencil Sharpener & Eraser Comb Giveaway

Most items found inside a school supplies store can be made into a
simple and unique gift item. Now a days items such as pens, pencils, sharpeners,
erasers, crayons, notebooks, etc. come in various attractive designs & shapes.
With a little creativity & a lot of imagination, you can turn these ordinary
items into a masterpiece worthy to be given on your very special occasion.

Materials Needed:

1. Your item (in this case a Pencil sharpener mirror and an eraser shaped like a comb).
2. Small Plastic container (at least an inch bigger than the item).
3. A piece of ribbon or in this case a twisty tape of your desired color.
4. Photo paper or any colored paper to print your thank you note.
5. Scissors
6. A Computer
7. A Colored printer


1. Design, print & cut your thank you thank you note on a piece of photo or colored paper.
The size should not be bigger than the item.

2. Place all the items (sharpener,eraser, & thank you note) inside the plastic container.
You may also punch a hole on the corner of your thank you note and attach it to the plastic
container with a piece of ribbon or twisty tape.

3. Close the plastic container with a piece of ribbon or twisty tape.
4. Your done...

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